TRAVELER'S FACTORY KYOTO (トラベラーズファクトリー 京都)
2020年6月11日オープン Opening on June 11, 2020

2020年6月11日、京都に新しく「トラベラーズファクトリー 京都」がオープンします。
2011年トラベラーズノートの基地として、東京中目黒の路地裏にトラベラーズファクトリーをオープン。その後、2014年には世界への旅の出発点、成田空港にトラベラーズファクトリー エアポートを、2017年には日本の鉄道の起点、東京駅にトラベラーズファクトリー ステーションをオープン。
トラベラーズファクトリー 京都は、4店舗目、関西エリアでは初出店となります。
トラベラーズファクトリーのメインアイテム、トラベラーズノートは、京都店舗限定の「トラベラーズノート KYOTO EDITION」が登場。京都を旅して出会った歴史的な遺産や風景、食べ物などのモチーフをもとにデザインしたアイコンを、ブルーの革カバーにカッパーの箔押しで表現しました。さらにKYOTO EDITIONとして、京都をイメージした紙を使ったリフィルや、旅のお供に便利なコットンバッグ、ノートのカスタマイズにぴったりのブラスタグなどをラインアップします。
店名:TRAVELER'S FACTORY KYOTO / トラベラーズファクトリー 京都
場所 :「新風館」
京都市中京区烏丸通姉小路下ル場之町 586-2 外
「新風館」公式サイト URL:
京都限定商品の情報はこちら/Kyoto Limited Products>>>
TRAVELER’S FACTORY KYOTO will be opened in Kyoto on June 11, 2020
The first TRAVELER’S FACTORY store was opened in Nakameguro, Tokyo in 2011 to sell items that make every day feel like a journey. Built by renovating an old building in a side street, the store is filled with the travel mood that TRAVELER’S notebook is known for and attracts many visitors from overseas in addition to a Japanese clientele. We enjoy providing a space that brings together customers from around the world.
The new store follows TRAVELER’S FACTORY AIRPORT, opened in 2014 in Narita Airport, Japan’s gateway to the world, and TRAVELER’S FACTORY STATION, opened in 2017 in Tokyo Station, the starting point of Japan’s railway network. The stores aim to be places where you can stop off before a trip, pick up items to take with you and customize them to suit your style, making your journey more fun and more meaningful.
Shinpukan, where the fourth store will be opened, is a historic building. Built in 1926 and originally used for the Central Kyoto Telephone Exchange, part of the building was preserved and restored to keep a local memory alive while creating new value as a community hub. It will also house a branch of Ace Hotel, a hotel that TRAVELER’S COMPANY has collaborated with since 2015 to hold events in New York, Los Angeles and London.
As a former capital of Japan, Kyoto holds immense cultural significance and is one of the most popular destinations in Japan, with a plethora of historic sites. TRAVELER’S FACTORY KYOTO aims to add extra joy to the journeys of the many tourists who are visiting Kyoto from inside or outside Japan (or are using Kyoto as the starting point of a longer journey), and to make every day feel like a journey for Kyoto locals. In addition to TRAVELER’S notebook, the store will sell travel items and extras to customize them, along with products and services that can only be found in Kyoto.
The star of the show at TRAVELER’S FACTORY is TRAVELER’S notebook. The new store in Kyoto will include a Kyoto edition of TRAVELER’S notebook that cannot be found anywhere else, with iconic sights around the city—its historic buildings, beautiful scenery and unique food—depicted in copper foil on the blue leather cover. This will be complemented by a variety of accessories, including refills with Kyoto-themed paper, a handy cotton bag to carry your notebook with you on your travels and brass tags to customize it. Keep this special Kyoto edition with you as you travel Kyoto, and then bring it home with you and travel back to Kyoto in your mind.
You’ll also find new collaborative items with the Made in Japan brand, a brand with years of experience in good craftsmanship, and be able to enjoy special services that are only available here.
We hope to visit TRAVELER’S FACTORY KYOTO and enjoy our range of products designed to share our love for traveling to Kyoto in the future.
【Shop Information】
Place : Shin Puh Kan / Kyoto
※ Karasumaoike Station (Kyoto city Transportation BureauRapid Transit Railway)
Opening Date:June 11, 2020
Shin Puh Kan Official Site :